Уважаемые посетители если вы берете наши работы на другие сайты,то большая просьба давать ссылки на наш блог! Заранее спасибо!
Dear visitors if you take our works on other sites, big a request to give references to our blog! Thanks in advance!
17 янв. 2014 г.
Eyes N2 by Loson
Если хотите опубликовать материал который вам здесь понравился, давайте ссылку на новость в этом блоге. If you want to publish the material that you to here liked, let's link to the story in this blog.
Hi , i just wanted to let you know that i will be posting daily updates of creators creations on my blog. If your items is featured on my blog, I will of course redirect the download to your page. You can suggest some of your creations by clicking the " Share your Stuff" tab. Looking forward to see more of your beautiful items. BDS
Hi , i just wanted to let you know that i will be posting daily updates of creators creations on my blog. If your items is featured on my blog, I will of course redirect the download to your page. You can suggest some of your creations by clicking the " Share your Stuff" tab.
ОтветитьУдалитьLooking forward to see more of your beautiful items.
УдалитьThank you we are very pleased